收稿日期: 2009-12-21
网络出版日期: 2019-06-03
Research on the degradation of acidic violet by ultrasonic/H2O2
Received date: 2009-12-21
Online published: 2019-06-03
陈学民, 张书铭, 伏小勇 . 超声波/H2O2协同降解酸性紫红染料的研究[J]. 工业水处理, 0 : 22 -24 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2010.30(6).22
Ultrasonic/H2O2 has been used for degrading acidic violet. The synergistic effects of ultrasonic/H2O2, ultrasonic power, sound density, ultrasonic time, and initial concentration of the dyestuff on the removing rate are investigated. The results show that the synergistic effect of ultrasonic/H2O2 on the degradation of acidic violet is remarkable. Its removing rate is 40% higher than that of the effect by using ultrasonic alone. Under certain conditions, the removal rate increases with the increase of ultrasonic power, decreases with the increase of solution volume, increases with the extension of ultrasonic time, or decreases with the initial concentration of dyestuff.
Key words: ultrasonic; acid violet; synergistic effect
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