修回日期: 2009-12-02
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Hardness removal of reverse osmosis drained wastewater and its effect on vacuum membrane distillation process
Revised date: 2009-12-02
Online published: 2010-10-01
采用高通量聚偏氟乙烯疏水中空纤维膜对某石化废水经反渗透(RO)处理后的浓水进行减压膜蒸馏(VMD)浓缩处理。着重研究了RO浓水除硬方法、除硬药剂用量及其对VMD法RO浓水处理过程中膜通量衰减的影响。结果表明:采用烧碱法或石灰-纯碱法,加入适量除硬药剂后均可使RO浓水中硬度的去除率达96%以上。RO浓水经过除硬处理后,VMD过程的初始通量达25.8 kg/(m2·h),将RO浓水浓缩至10倍时,通量仍保持在14.8 kg/(m2·h);而对未除硬RO浓水的VMD过程,初始通量为22.3 kg/(m2·h),浓缩至2.5倍时通量即降低至10.2 kg/(m2·h)。
刘东, 武春瑞, 吕晓龙 . 反渗透浓水除硬方法及其对减压膜蒸馏过程的影响[J]. 工业水处理, 2010 , 30(5) : 23 -26 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2010.30.(05).23
Novel hydrophobic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane has been used for treating reverse osmosis(RO) drained wastewater from a chemical plant by vacuum membrane distillation(VMD) method. The effects of the hardness removing method,and the dosage of the hardness removing agent on the flux decline of VMD RO drained wastewater treatment are studied emphatically. The hardness removal rate reaches 96% with optimized hardness removal agents added in the wastewater. When the wastewater is treated by hardness removing method,the initial flux of VMD process reaches 25.8 kg/(m2·h) and keeps at 14.8 kg/(m2·h) after the water was concentrated 10 times. During the RO drained wastewater not being treated by hardness removing method, the initial flux of VMD process is 22.3 kg/(m2·h),and quickly declined to 10.2 kg/(m2·h) when it is concentrated to 2.5 times.
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