

  • 中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所, 四川绵阳, 621900
刘秀华(1975- ),助理研究员,2003午8月开始在中国工程物理研究院攻读博士学位主要从事环境监测、污染控制和相关的研究.工作电话:0816 -2484263,E-mail:liuxiuhuajulia@sina.com

收稿日期: 2004-05-26

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Advances of heterogeneous photocatalytic reactor research in water treatment

  • Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang621900, China

Received date: 2004-05-26

  Online published: 2010-10-01



关键词: 反应器; 光催化; 水处理


刘秀华, 傅依备 . 废水处理光催化反应器的发展[J]. 工业水处理, 2004 , 24(12) : 1 -5 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(12).1


Photocatalysis is a very promising technique of water treatment.Photocatalytic reactor is one of the important factors affecting photocatalytic efficiency.The factors affecting the efficiencies of photocatalytic reactor have been analyzed,such as the types of light,the structure of reactors,the state of catalysts,and so on. Some typical photocatalytic reactors made and applied inside and outside our country have been summarized. Their structure figures have been given and their advantage and disadvantage have been evaluated.


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