收稿日期: 2005-06-16
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Catalyzed oxidation of phenol in pulsed high voltage discharge process
Received date: 2005-06-16
Online published: 2010-10-01
采用向高压脉冲放电反应器中投加催化剂的方式来强化降解苯酚的效果,并考察了不同催化剂及其投量对苯酚处理效果的影响。与单独高压脉冲放电进行比较,Fe2+投量为0.05 mmol/L时,催化效果最好,可以使苯酚的去除率由15.45%提高到94.94%,其次是Fe3+,投量为0.061mmol/L时,苯酚的去除率提高了3倍。这主要是因为Fe2+和Fe3+诱发放电过程中产生的H2O2发生芬顿和类芬顿反应,生成HO.。另外,由于放电过程中紫外光解的作用,投加0.1mmol/LH2O2可以使苯酚的去除率提高1倍。粉末活性炭的良好吸附性能也使它具有一定的催化作用,投量5 mg/L可使苯酚的去除率提高1.3倍。
史富丽, 杨世东, 马军, 刘凡清 . 催化高压脉冲放电降解水中苯酚[J]. 工业水处理, 2005 , 25(11) : 40 -43 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(11).40
Different catalysts with various concentrations are investigated for the enhancement of phenol removal in the process of pulsed high voltage discharge. Addition of 0.05 mmol /L of Fe2+ can increase the removal rate of phenol from15.45% to 94.94%. Also 0.061 mmol /L Fe3+ can increase the removal rate 3 times higher than that without Fe3+. The cations of Fe2+ or Fe3+ can induce HO? radicals from H2O2 produced in the discharge process via Fenton’s reactions or Fenton-like reactions. UV radiated from the discharge streamer can accelerate the decomposition of H2O2, also leading to the production of HO?radicals and enhancement about 1 time higher of phenol degradation than pulsed high voltage discharge alone. Powder activated carbon with its excellent adsorption can also increase the removal rate 1.3 times higher.
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