

  • 湖南科技大学化学化工学院,湖南湘潭 411201
罗道成(1967- ),1989 年毕业于大连理工大学,副教授。电话:13087221276, E-mail:luodaocheng21@yahoo.com.cn

收稿日期: 2005-03-28

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Determination of trace thorium in environmental water by flow injection-spectrophotometry

  • College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China

Received date: 2005-03-28

  Online published: 2010-10-01


研究了采用流动注射技术进行痕量钍的阴离子分离富集在0.30 mol/L HCl介质中,Th(Ⅳ)与Cl-形成络阴离子,被阴离子交换树脂分离富集,用0.25 mol/L HNO3-质量分数1.5%柠檬酸溶液洗脱,用偶氮氟胂-Ⅲ(FAsA-Ⅲ)分光光度法测定。有色络合物的最大吸收波长为656 nm,钍的质量浓度在0 ̄700μg/L范围内符合比耳定律,方法的检出限为1.0μg/L。经分离后钍的测定灵敏度可提高数倍,大量共存离子不干扰钍的测定。


罗道成, 刘俊峰 . 流动注射-分光光度法测定环境水中痕量钍[J]. 工业水处理, 2005 , 25(10) : 49 -51 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(10).49


The anion exchange resin separation and preconcentration is carried on by using flowinjection technique.Th(Ⅳ)reacts with Cl- to form an anion complex,and is separated and preconcentrated by anion exchange resin.The anion complex is desorbed with a solution of 0.25 mol /L HNO3- 1.5% citric acid and is determined by spectrophotometry with FAsA- Ⅲ. The maximum absorption wavelength is 656 nm. The mass concentration of thorium accords with Beer′s Law in the range of 0 - 700 μg/L. The detection limit of this method is 1.0 μg/L.The sensitivity of the determination of the thorium after separation and preconcentration can be improved by several times,and the co-ions in quantity do not distrub the determination of thorium.


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