

  • 1. 湖南大学环境科学与工程系 湖南 长沙410082;
    2. 昆明制药股份有限公司污水处理站 云南 昆明 650100;
    3. 湖南湘牛环保实业有限公司 湖南 长沙 410082
刘大鹏(1976- ),现为湖南大学环境科学与工程系在读研究生。电话:(0731)8822829。E-mail:ufocne@sohu.com。

收稿日期: 2003-04-29

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

pH effect on the treatment of ammonia-nitrogen from coke plant wastewater by MAP process

  • 1. Dept.of Environmental Science&Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China;
    2. Sewage Treatment Station Kunming Pharmacy Co. Ltd. Kunming 650100 China;
    3. Hunan Xiangniu Environmental Protection Co. Ltd. Changsha 410007 China

Received date: 2003-04-29

  Online published: 2010-10-01




刘大鹏, 王继徽, 刘晓澜, 黄稳水, 邹亮, 何丹莉, 蒋谦 . MAP法处理焦化废水中氨氮的pH值影响[J]. 工业水处理, 2004 , 24(1) : 44 -47 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(1).44


Na2 HPO4·12H2O and MgCl 2·6H 2O react with highly concentrated ammonia-nitrogen from coke plant wastewater,forming magnesium ammonium phosphate(MAP).The effect of pH value on the ammonia-nitrogen removal result isexpolored emphatically.The experimental resultsshow that when the ratio of n(Mg2+)∶ n(NH4+)∶ n(PO43-)iscontrolled at1.3 ∶ 1 ∶ 0.9,the optimal pH isabout8.5to10.The NH 3-N in the original wastewater can be decreased from2380mg /L to lower than100mg /L.The formed MAP crystal hashigh purity.It doesnot adsorb the poisonousand harmful substancesin the wastewater.Furthermore,itssedimentation capability isgood.


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