收稿日期: 2003-03-05
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Study on the biological treatment of wastewater containing both highly concentrated nitrogen and organic matters
Received date: 2003-03-05
Online published: 2010-10-01
寇建朝, 李丽英, 曾涛, 朱浚黄 . 高含氮高浓度有机废水生物处理技术研究[J]. 工业水处理, 2004 , 24(1) : 56 -59 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(1).56
The wastewater quality at Shijiazhuang Fiber Co.,Ltd.hasbeen analysed.The resultsof the analysisshow that the wastewater containsboth highly concentrated nitrogen and organic matters.Although the wastewater issuitable for biological treatment,the HRT of the wastewater in the first aerobic nitrification reactor(O 1)staysso short that the nitrification doesn ' t have enough time to take place,which resultsin the failure of the existing A/O/A/O biological treatment.Based on the biological nitrogen removal principle,thisstudy hasput forward three-stage biological treatment techniques,i.e.ENSBR/BDAR/PCOR with the SBR being the principle method.The laboratory data and production practice have shown that the effluent wastewater from ENSBR/BDAR/PCOR isin compliance with Grade2Standardsof the National Wastewater Discharge requirements.
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