

  • 1. 内蒙古工业大学电力学院动力工程系, 内蒙古呼和浩特010080;
    2. 内蒙古师范大学生物系, 内蒙古呼和浩特010022
邱广明(1961- ),1992年毕业于中国科学院成都有机化学研究所高分子化学与物理专业,硕士,副教授。

收稿日期: 2000-10-11

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Preparation of HA/P(AM-SAS)blend and their inhibition performance of scale and corrosion

  • 1 Electric Power College, Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University, Huhhot 010080, China;
    2 Department of Biology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot 010022, China

Received date: 2000-10-11

  Online published: 2010-10-01


采用溶液共混技术, 制备了腐植酸钠(HA)和丙烯酰胺烯丙基磺酸钠(SAS)共聚物[P(AM-SAS)]的共混物[HA/P(AM-SAS)], 研究了共混物[HA/P(AM-SAS)]的阻垢、缓蚀和分散性能, 并与HA和P(AM-SAS)做了对比分析。实验表明, HA/P(AM-SAS)共混物、HA 和P(AM-SAS) 的阻垢、缓蚀和分散能力随着使用浓度的增加而提高。与HA和P(AM-SAS)相比, HA/P(AM-SAS)共混物具有更好的阻垢、缓蚀和分散能力。当HA/P(AM-SAS)质量比超过1或2时, HA和P(AM-SAS)的共混对于CaCO3 和Ca3(PO4)2的阻垢作用表现出了明显的协同效应。(Ca2+)=250mg/L(HCO3-)=250mg/L、(CO32-)=85mg/L、(PO43-)=5mg/L、pH=8.5、T=80、t=10h时, HA/P(AM-SAS)共混物对CaCO3和Ca3(PO4)2的阻垢率分别达到了98.9%和97.2%。当HA/P(AM-SAS)共混物的使用浓度超过20mg/L, 共混物对碳钢的缓蚀率将超过95.0%。

关键词: 腐植酸; 共混; 阻垢; 缓蚀; 分散


邱广明, 邱广亮 . 改性腐植酸新型阻垢缓蚀剂的制备及应用[J]. 工业水处理, 2001 , 21(2) : 1 -3 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829X.2001.21(2).1


The blends [HA/P(AM-SAS)] of humic acids(HA) and copolymer P(AM-SAS) of acrylamide(AM)and sodium allylsulfonate(SAS)have been prepared by solution blend.Their inhibition performance of scale and corrosion and dispersion performance have been studied and compared with HA and P(AM-SAS).Experimental results indicates that their scale and corrosion inhibition rates and dispersing Fe2O3capability increase with the increasing of their concentration.Compared with HA and P(AM-SAS), HA/P(AM- SAS) blends have better scale and corrosion inhibition performance and dispersion capability. During the blending of HA and P(AM-SAS) , HA and P(AM-SAS) have synergistic effects for CaCO3and Ca3(PO4)2scale inhibition when HA/P(AM-SAS)mass ratio is above 1 and 2.Under the condition:(Ca2+)=250mg/L、(HCO3-) =250mg/L、(CO32-)=85mg/L、(PO43-)=5mg/L、pH=8. 5、T=80、t=10h, the inhibition rates of HA/P(AM-SAS) blends on the CaCO3 and Ca3(PO4)2 scale are up to 98.9% and 97.2%respectively.When the dosage of HA/P(AM-SAS) blends is beyond 20mg/L, the corrosion inhibition rate on mild steel reaches95.0%.


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