

  • 1. 南京理工大学水处理研究所 江苏南京210094;
    2. 南京理工大学有机生物化工教研室 江苏南京210094
夏明珠(1968- ), 女, 1995 年毕业于南京化工大学,获硕士学位, 在读博士, 工程师。联系电话:025-4315190 。

收稿日期: 2000-09-29

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Circulating water treatment under the condition of organic mediums leaking out in Yangzi Chemical Engineering Plant

  • 1. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Coll ege of Henan University , Kaifeng 475001, China;
    2. South China University of Technology , Guangz hou 510641, China

Received date: 2000-09-29

  Online published: 2010-10-01


扬子化工厂循环水系统泄漏特定的有机介质 ,从而使带荚膜的粘泥菌迅速繁殖 ,水质恶化 ,管网堵塞 ,引起垢下腐蚀 ,严重时直接影响生产的正常进行。针对这一特定情况 ,研制出特效微生物生长调节剂用于该循环水的处理 ,实验室研究表明 :它对循环水中膦系药剂的分解少 ,配伍性好 ;数个月的现场运行结果表明 ,该药剂能有效地控制荚膜粘泥菌的生长 ,避免了粘泥爆炸式繁殖所引起的一系列问题。


夏明珠, 雷武, 张建法, 王风云 . 扬子化工厂有机介质泄漏情况下的循环水处理[J]. 工业水处理, 2001 , 21(6) : 11 -13 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(6).11


The circulating water system in Yangzi Chemical Engineering Plant leaked out specific organic mediums in recent years .The bacteria with thick slime reproduced rapidly .Therefore the water quality got worse and tubes and webs were blocked .This reduced heat exchange and cooling ef ficiencies , resulting in corrosion under the scale and affected normal production directly .In accordance with the special situation , a special efficient microorganism growing adjustment agent WB has been used in this system .The lab research proves that WB has good compatibility with phosphonic agents and has less decomposability .A few months in situ running results show that WB can efficiently control the exploding breed of bacteria with thick bioslime and prevent a series of serious problems caused by biofouling .


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