

  • 1河南大学化学化工学院 河南开封475001;
    2华南理工大学造纸与环境工程学院 广东广州510641
李德亮( 1964- ?? ), 1986 年毕业于郑州大学化学系, 副教授。联系电话: 0378- 3850031。

收稿日期: 2000-11-25

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01



Study of the treatment of gentamicin wastewater by adsorption-coagulation-advanced chemical oxidation

  • 1. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering College of Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China;
    2. South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China

Received date: 2000-11-25

  Online published: 2010-10-01


采用吸附—混凝—高级化学氧化法 ,对庆大霉素废水进行处理 ,筛选出最佳的混凝条件及氧化条件。实验发现 ,采用聚合氯化铝 (PAC)和阳离子聚丙烯酰胺 (CPAM)复合混凝该废水 ,在pH为 8,PAC与CPAM的用量分别为 40 0mg/L和 10mg/L时混凝效果较好。混凝后的废水再用H2O2+Fe2++UV氧化 ,当 pH为 3时 ,采取三次投加方式加入 2 .4g/LH2O2 ,紫外灯照射 6h ,取得了满意的结果 ,实验结果表明 :采用吸附—混凝—高级化学氧化处理庆大霉素废水是一种行之有效的途径。经该方法处理后的庆大霉素废水 ,其CODCr去除率为 99.1% ,脱色率达 10 0 % ,达到了医药行业废水排放标准。且该方法设备简单 ,易于下一步实现工业放大 ,是一种有较好开发前景的处理庆大霉素废水工艺。


李德亮, 李明玉, 武书彬, 田依林, 李丹, 李鹏 . 吸附—混凝—高级化学氧化法处理庆大霉素废水的研究[J]. 工业水处理, 2001 , 21(6) : 16 -19 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(6).16


The process of adsorption-coagulation-advanced chemical oxidation is used to treat gentamicin wastew ater and the best conditions of coagulation and oxidation are selected. Under the condition of pH 8, the effect of the coagulating treatment of the waste water is better when PAC and CPAM are used as coagulants and their feeding amount are 400 mg/ L and 10 mg/ L, respect ively. Then, when pH is equal to 3, the wastewater treated above is oxidized by H2O2/ Fe2+/ UV. When the exposure time of UV-light is 6 h, the satisfactory treatment effect is obtained. Experimental results show that, for gentamicin wastewater, the removal ratio of CODCr is 99. 1% and decolourisation rate is 100% by using the process. The gentamicin wastewater treated can reach the effluent standard of medical waste water.


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