收稿日期: 2000-12-16
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
国家"春晖计划"资助课题;项目号:教外司留 1999-95-31
Biological denitrification via nitrite
Received date: 2000-12-16
Online published: 2010-10-01
唐光临, 孙国新, 徐楚韶 . 亚硝化反硝化生物脱氮[J]. 工业水处理, 2001 , 21(11) : 11 -13 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(1).11
Some researchers'studies on nitrification and denitrification via nitrite are summarized and reviewed. Factors affecting the accumulation of nitrite are analyzed,including free ammonia,temperature,pH,dissolved oxygen,phenol,sodium chlorate. The effect of HNO 2 on denitrification rate and studies of phenol and ammonia acting as donors in the process of denitrification are also introduced.
Key words: nitrification; denitrification; nitrite
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