

  • 1. BP Amoco集团阿科中国有限公司, 广东湛江 524057;
    2. 振海油田化学公司, 广东广州 510651;
    3. 广州有色金属研究院, 广东深圳 518067
袁玮(1974- ),1995年毕业于江汉石油学院,工程师.

收稿日期: 2001-06-15

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Electrooxidative degradation of wastewater from onshore gas processing facility

  • 1. Arco China Inc. Part of the BP Amoco Group, Shenzhen 518067, China;
    2. Zhenhai Oil Field Chemistry Company CONHW, Zhanjiang 524057, China;
    3. Guangzhou Research Institute of Non\|ferrous Metals, Guangzhou 510651,

Received date: 2001-06-15

  Online published: 2010-10-01


某海洋油田陆地终端站的生产废水含有苯系衍生物及多环芳烃化合物,难以用生化法将其COD值降至国家规定的一级排放标准 100mg/L以下〔1〕。用电化学催化氧化法处理该废水,可以将COD值降解至 100mg/L以下。为此,建立了一套处理 50m3/d生产废水的装置。作者对有关的工艺参数及氯离子的行为进行了探讨。


袁玮, 祖荣, 李海涛 . 电化学催化氧化法降解海洋油田废水COD的工程实施[J]. 工业水处理, 2001 , 21(11) : 29 -32 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(1).29


Produced wastewater from one onshore gas processing facility contains benzene derivation and multiring aromatic hydrocarbon.It is very difficult to lower its COD value down to national regulatory limitation (Grade 1 :less than 100 mg/L)with biochemical method.But with new electrochemical technology, the COD of this wastewater can be reduced to less than 100 mg/L by catalytic oxidation.Based on this technology, a wastewater treatment system with 50 m3/d processing capacity has been built up.The relevant process parameters and the behaviour of chlorine ions are discussed.


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