Study on treating wastewater of AlF3 industry
Received date: 2001-07-05
Online published: 2010-10-01
谢祖芳, 陈孟林, 何星存 . 氟化铝生产废水处理工艺的研究[J]. 工业水处理, 2002 , 22(2) : 25 -27 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(2).25
The techniques of wastewater t reatment in AlF3 indust ry has been studied.The results show that thetechniques of one-step neutralization-sedimentation and 2-step neutralizatio n-sedimentation are not suitable fortreating this kind of wastewater, The most suitable technique is to neutralize the wastewater with excessive limecream and to adjust the pH w ith acids.It is considered applicable to add CaCl2 to the lime cream neut ralization.
Key words: fluoride-containing wastewater; lime cream; fluo ride removal
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