

  • 萍乡钢铁有限责任公司 江西萍乡337019

收稿日期: 2001-12-13

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Reconstructing practice of the polluted water circulationin the First Ironworks of Pingxiang Iron and Steel Co ., Ltd .

  • Pingxiang Iron and Steel Co.Ltd.,Pingxiang 337019,China

Received date: 2001-12-13

  Online published: 2010-10-01


介绍了萍乡钢铁厂水循环改造实践。对各类水水质进行了分析,确定回收改造方案为三个循环系统,即 :高炉冷却水循环,冲渣水循环和煤气洗涤水循环。着重介绍了其关键设备———高效澄清池,阐述了其处理污染物原理,并依此进行改造,总投资额为 818万元。三个循环系统运行后都达到设计要求。尤其值得称赞的是洗涤水循环改造十分成功,悬浮物为 34.5mg/L,处理率达 94.7%。这说明本文所述的澄清池为处理象瓦斯灰这种既轻细,又略粘的水污染物提供了又一种有效的处理方法。


朱霞 . 萍钢一铁污水循环改造实践[J]. 工业水处理, 2002 , 22(2) : 52 -53 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(2).52


The reconst ructing practice of the circulation of polluted water in the Fi rst Ironw orks of Ping xiangIron and S teel Co., Ltd.is int roduced.After a variety of water quality had been analy sed, the reconst ruct ionplan w as determined to build 3 ci rculation systems.They are the circulation in the cooling water in the blast furnace, in the f lushing sediment water and in the washing water for coal gas.The key equipment in the last oneint roduced emphatically is the ef ficient cleaning pool.It s principle of t reating the pollutant is expounded.Thetotal investment is $8 180 000.Af ter running, the 3 circulating systems have achieved the desig ned capacity.What deserves commendation especially is that the circulat ion reconst ruction of the washing water is very successful.The suspended solid in the exit water is o nly 35.4 mg/L and it s handling rate reaches 94.5 %.Thisshows that the clearing pool of fers another efficient way to handle this gas like, light, thin and slig ht ly sticky pollutantin water.


[1] 陈有军.单位环境污染综合治理技术实用全书[M] .北京:华龄 出版社, 2000 :319.

