Exploitation of Western China and the reuse of municipal sewage
Received date: 2001-12-17
Online published: 2010-10-01
肖锦, 陈元彩 . 中国西部开发与城市污水回用[J]. 工业水处理, 2002 , 22(3) : 13 -19,15 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(3).13
Water is the key point in the exploitation of Western China.The t reatment technology of o xidat ionpond(i t can also be used as impounding reservoir)can meet the need of sew age t reatment and w ater reuse.Thetechnology can reduce the project investments and the operation expenses remarkably,and it can cont rol municipalsew age pollution well.The eff luent can be reused w ell on developing forest ry,grassland and farming of westernarid regions.As researches show,before 2010,w hile the area of wastewater irrig ation in forest ry,g rasslandand agriculture amounting to 2 ~4 times than that of the city area,i t w ill accelerate the development of ecotypeforest ry-ag riculture zone,the building of eco-city,and the development process of urbanization ef ficiently.
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