Application of special strains to the sequencing batch reactor
Received date: 2001-08-26
Online published: 2010-10-01
王军, 刘宝章, 杨瑞成 . 特种菌在序批式活性污泥法中的应用研究[J]. 工业水处理, 2002 , 22(3) : 16 -19 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(3).16
The Sequencing Batch Reacto r(SBR)is sui table for t reating some refractory wastewater.Bioaugmentationis to int roduce special microorganisms into polluted systems in order to enhance the treating efficiency.Three deg radative strains W1、W2、Y3,isolated from contaminated soil by using wastewater from py rethroid andheterocyclic pesticides wastewater asasole energy and carbon source,are mixed and cultured to obtain an ActiveLiquor Microorganism(ALMO).Under the condition of inflow COD of 3000~4000mg/L,the ex periment,which results from 3 paralleled SBR,the ALMO is directly added and the biofilm is fo rmed by ALMO are usedand an adapted activated sludge is inoculated,shows that bacterial augmentation and biofilm can increase the COD removal up to 5%~10%,10%~20% respectively,compared with that of activated sludge.
Key words: SBR; bioaugmented strains; pyrethroid; heterocyclic pesticide wastewater
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