

  • 北京兴运天华科技发展有限责任公司, 北京 100084
第一作者董方和,1940~1967年毕业于清华 大学,高级工程师。

收稿日期: 1999-12-22

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

On the water saving problems in electrodialysis desalination syst ems

  • Beijing Luck Grant Science and Technology Development Limited Co., Beijing 100084, China

Received date: 1999-12-22

  Online published: 2010-10-01


电渗析除盐设备在我国已被广泛地用来生产软化水、纯净水,但目前的电渗析系统水利用率很低,有的电渗析设备水利用率仅在 40 %左右。广泛地使用这样的电渗析设备造成水资源的大量浪费。究其原因,主要是设计者和制造者的盲目性所致。文中介绍了自动频繁倒极浓水循环电渗析除盐系统的节水方法和原理,从而制定了在不同的原水水质,不同的除盐率要求的情况下,水的利用率应该达到的指标。避免了盲目排放所谓浓水,并为排放的浓水含盐量做了规定 ( 80 0mg/L) ;这样大大地减少了浓水排放量,节约了水资源。按上述方法,电渗析除盐系统可达到的最高的水利用率为 90 %。


董方和, 王彦 . 关于电渗析除盐系统的节水问题[J]. 工业水处理, 2000 , 20(6) : 4 -6 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(6).4


Electrodialysis desalination equipment has been widel y used in producing soft or pure water all over our country. Because of its l ower rate of water recovery and wide application, a large amount of water runs off. To get to the button into the matter, the problem is caused by the blindnes s of the d esigners and manufacturers of electrodialysis desalination systems.The water sav ing method and principle of autofrequently changing pole using EDR with circulat ing dense water are introduced in the article. Based on the above principle, the water utilization ratio which sho uld be achieved has been worked out according to different original water natur e and desa lination demands. In the meantime, the saltness standard of the dens ified wa ter to be drained (800 mg/L) has been worked out as well. Thus, the amount of dr ained and densified water is largely reduced, the original water is saved signif icantly. The highest rate of water utilization ratio is 90%.

