

  • 攀钢集团公司发电厂, 四川攀枝花 617012
刘瑛,1967~1990年毕业于长沙电力学院, 工程师。

收稿日期: 2000-01-05

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Water standard about generator cooling water

  • Power Plant of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co., Panzhihua 617012, China

Received date: 2000-01-05

  Online published: 2010-10-01


发电机冷却水控制 pH、电导率和水中铜离子含量,是为了保证发电机有足够的电气绝缘性能和防止对空芯铜导线产生侵蚀性。发电机冷却水水质标准有SD1 63— 1 985、GB1 2 1 45— 1 989、GB760 4— 1 986,其控制指标各异。阐述了三个标准中电导率、pH不同的原因,根据理论计算和实际分析,按SD1 63— 1 985控制电导率在 5 0 μS/cm以内,既能保证发电机的电气绝缘性能,又可通过提高 pH值或向冷却水中加入缓蚀剂,达到防腐目的。因此,建议采用SD1 63— 1 985作为发电机冷却水水质标准。


刘瑛 . 发电机冷却水水质标准探讨[J]. 工业水处理, 2000 , 20(6) : 31 -33 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(6).31


Generator cooling water controls pH, conductance rate and the content of copper ion in water. It is to guarantee that the generator has enough electric insulation performance and to protect the core copper wire from corrosion. The three kinds of water standards of generator cooling water are SD163-1985, GB1214 5-1989 and GB7064-1986. Their targets are different. The re port expounds the reason of different conductance rates and pH in the three st andard s. According to theoretical calculation with practice, When SD163-1985 controls the conductance rate, it's lower than 5 μS/cm, and it can guarantee electric insulation performance o f the generator, and it is anticorrosive with the raising of pH or pouring sca le inhibitor into cooling water. So, the author suggests using SD163-1985 as wat er standard of generator cooling water.

