收稿日期: 2000-01-09
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
New development of electro-deionization water purification technology
Received date: 2000-01-09
Online published: 2010-10-01
综合介绍了美国IonpureTM和加拿大E -CellTM这两种电去离子净水装置的性能及应用,并讨论了我国在研究离子交换树脂电再生技术及开发电去离子净水产品方面的进展。从技术水平、市场开发前景和我国其他诸多因素的实际情况出发,建议优先开发作者依倨EDI中自再生原理发明的离子交换树脂的电再生技术。
关键词: 电去离子; 离子交换树脂的电再生; 水的净化
王方 . 电去离子净水技术的新进展[J]. 工业水处理, 2000 , 20(7) : 4 -7 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2000.20(7).4
In this paper,the specification and the application of two pieces of EDI water purification equipment,IonpureTM produced by USA and E-CellTM produced by Canada,are described briefly.The Developments of the researches on electro-regeneration of ion exchange resin and the manufacture of EDI water purification equipment in China are introduced.Based on the technological level,market analysis and other factors in China, the author suggests that the electro-regeneration of ion exchange resin,by using the principle of self-regeneration in EDI,which is invented by the author,should be developed precedently.
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