收稿日期: 2001-09-13
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Electrooxidative degradation of wastewater from the ocean's recover petroleum terminal station
Received date: 2001-09-13
Online published: 2010-10-01
在开采海洋油田时产生的废水, 由于其含有苯系衍生物和多环芳烃化合物及氯离子, 用生化降解法难以使其COD值达到我国有关法规规定的一级排放标准。用电化学氧化法处理某海洋油田废水, 能使其COD值降至一级排放标准以下。用钛基钌铱锰锡钛多元氧化物涂层电极作阳极, 钛作阴极, 测定上述污水的电化学氧化指数 (ElectrochemicalOxidationIndex)为 0.228, 电化学耗氧量 (ElectrochemicalOxygenDemand)为 1.794 g/g(以有机物计 ), 其电化学氧化度为 75.3%, 在电化学副反应产生的NaClO的协同作用下, 电化学降解后产生的部分有机物可以进一步的进行化学降解, 从而达到几乎完全消除废水中COD值的目的。
李海涛, 朱其佳, 祖荣 . 电化学氧化法处理海洋油田废水[J]. 工业水处理, 2002 , 22(6) : 23 -25,39 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(6).23
There is benzene derivation and multiring aromatic hydrocarbon with NaCl in the wastewater which comes from the ocean's recover petroleum terminal station. It is very difficult to lower its COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) value down to national regular limitation (Grade 1: 100 mg/L) with biochemical degradation method. The COD of this wastewater can be reduced to less than 100 mg/L by electrochemical oxidizing degradation. It uses titanium substrate coated by Ru, Ir, Mn, Sn, Ti multiple oxides as anodes and Ti as the cathodes in undivided electrolysis cells. The electrochemical oxidation index is 0. 228, the electrochemical oxygen demand is 1. 794 g/g(Organic), and the degree of electrochemical oxidation is 75. 3%. After the electrochemical oxidation of wastewater, by the synergistic effect of NaClO with the residual organics in bulk, the COD of wastewater can be reduced to the limit of inspection.
Key words: electrochemical oxidation; wastewater treatment; Ti anode
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