

  • 新疆油田公司采油二厂, 新疆克拉玛依 834008
向瑜章(1964- ),1984年毕业于江汉石油学院,1998、2000年西南石油学院油气田开发工程硕士、博士,现任新疆油田公司采油二厂总工程师.电话:0990- 6828161.

收稿日期: 2002-07-08

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Simulating test of the low temperature oil-bearing sewage treatment

  • No.2 Production Plant,Xinjiang Oil, PetroChina, Karamay 834008, China

Received date: 2002-07-08

  Online published: 2010-10-01


新疆油田公司采油二厂 81原油污水处理站处理的含油污水,具有乳化程度和悬浮物含量高、温度低的特点。此次引进的江汉石油学院开发的高效水质净化与稳定技术,从离子调整的角度出发,达到水质处理合格的目的。通过该技术在现场进行的模拟实验。结果表明 :采用该技术处理低温原油污水具有流程简单、成本低廉、处理后水质稳定、与地层配伍性好等特点


向瑜章 . 低温含油污水处理模拟试验[J]. 工业水处理, 2002 , 22(10) : 43 -45 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(10).43


The oil-bearing sewage at No.81 Crude Oil Sewage Treatment Station, in No.2 Production Plant,Xinjiang Oil- PetroChina, is characteristic of high contents of solid suspendedmatter and micro-emulsified oil, and low temperature.The highly efficient water purification and stabilization techniques,which was development by Jianghan Petroleum College, are used to meet the requirement of the injection water regulation in Xinjiang Oilfield, from the point of view of ion adjustment .A simulating test of the techniques being conducted in situ is introduced.The results show that these techniques adopted to treat the crude oil sewage with low temperature are highly efficient, because the processes are very simple, the cost is low.The water quality after being treated is stable and has good compatibility with the stratum.


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