

  • 大连理工大学环境工程与科学学院, 辽宁大连 116012
金若菲(1975- ),2000年毕业于大连理工大学环境与工程学院,硕士.电话:0411-3631019.

收稿日期: 2002-11-20

  网络出版日期: 2010-10-01

Study on the treatment of high silicate containing wastewater by coagulation

  • School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116012, China

Received date: 2002-11-20

  Online published: 2010-10-01


研究了氢氧化钙、氧化镁、复配硫酸铁和氧化镁等几种无机分子混凝剂处理含硅酸盐废水的最佳实验条件。实验表明,随着氢氧化钙投加量的增加,硅的去除率增加,当m〔Ca(OH)2〕 m(SiO32-)达到20 1时,硅的去除率可达98.8%。同样随着氧化镁的投加量的增加,硅的去除率增加,当m(MgO)m(SiO32-)达到201时硅的脱除效果最好,脱除率为64.7%。保持m(MgO) m(SiO32-)不变,同时加入一定的Fe2(SO4)3溶液,可以使脱除率达到82.4%,比单独加入MgO时去除率明显提高。研究结果还证明该工艺具有良好的推广性。


金若菲, 王栋, 周集体, 滕丽曼, 姜苏 . 混凝法处理含硅酸盐废水的实验研究[J]. 工业水处理, 2003 , 23(1) : 42 -43,44 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2003.23(1).42


The optimal testing conditions of the treatment of high silicate containing wastewater by using inorganic compound coagulants:Ca(OH)2,MgO,MgO and Fe2(SO4)3 have been investigated. It is found that the removal ratio of silicon increases with the increment of the Ca(OH)2. The removal ratio of silicon increases to 98.8% when the mass ratio of Ca(OH)2/SiO32- is increasing to 20-1. Similarly,the removal ratio of silicon increases with the increment of the MgO. It approaches to 64.7% when the mass ratio of MgO/SiO32- increases to 20-1. Keeping the mass ratio of MgO/SiO32- unchangeable,when some Fe2(SO4)3 solution is added, the removal ratio can increase to 82.4%. In addition,it is proved that the optimal conditions of the treatment of high silicate containing wastewater are easily popularized.


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