Researches on the adsorption of nitro-group wastewater discharged from the chloramphenicol production
Received date: 2000-10-14
Online published: 2010-10-01
A new absorbent, activated carbon fiber, has been used to treat nitro-g roup wastewater discharged f rom the chloramphenicol production in the pharmaceutical facto ry for the first time.The parameters of equilibrium adsorption quanti ty, dy namic breakthrough characterist ics, adso rptio n effect factors and the regeneration character in the process of the t reatment are systematically described.The results indicates that the adsorption capacity is large, the adsorption rate is fast, and the regeneration character is excellent.It is seen that the activated carbon fiber could take the place of granular activated carbon.
Key words: activatedcarbonfiber; nitro-groupwastewater; chloramphenicol
XU Zhong-qi, LU Xiao-hua, JIANG-Tao . Researches on the adsorption of nitro-group wastewater discharged from the chloramphenicol production[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2001 , 21(4) : 14 -15,16 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(4).14
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