Practice and discussion on the improvement of the process for tanning wastewater treatment

  • Institute of Environ. Eng. and Chemical Hi Tech., Xiangtan Polytechnic University, Xiangtan 411201, China

Received date: 2001-12-10

  Online published: 2010-10-01


A traditional tanning wastewater treatment process has been improved by analyzing and studying the problems existed in Xiangxiang tanning factory. After the wastewater has been treated by this process, every index of water quality exceeds the second grade of discharge standand in China, part of the indexes exceed the first grade of discharge standard in China, and the cost of wastewater treatment is lessened to a great extent. The metal chromium can be recovered from chromium mud. The recovery rate of chromium is high at the same time. Better economic, social and environmental benefits have been obtained.

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LUO Dao cheng, YI Ping gui, CHEN An guo, LIU Jun feng . Practice and discussion on the improvement of the process for tanning wastewater treatment[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2002 , 22(6) : 60 -62 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2002.22(6).60


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