收稿日期: 2004-10-28
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Synthesis of a high-efficiency decolorizing flocculant for printing and dyeing wastewater and its decoloration propertie
Received date: 2004-10-28
Online published: 2010-10-01
利锋, 方战强, 曾志勇, 叶伟莹, 聂俊军 . 印染废水高效脱色絮凝剂的合成及其脱色性能研究[J]. 工业水处理, 2005 , 25(8) : 38 -41 . DOI: 11894/1005-829x.2005.25(8).38
A modified dicyanodiamide - formaldehyde polymer T5 has been synthesized under simple conditions,and the cost of it, $3 400/t, is lower than the other dicyanodiamide- formaldehyde polymers. It works well while used to treat printing and dyeing wastewater,the decolourization rate and the elimination rate of CODCrare both high and the volume of sludge is small.Furthermore,it can do better when matched with Al2 (SO4)3,the decolourization rate is as high as 96.8%,the highest elimination rate of CODCrcan reach 91.5% and the two key quotas CODCrand tone accord with national first grade discharge standards. A fewT5 and Al2(SO4)3can obtain good results, for example, 100 mg/L T5 and 167 mg/L Al2(SO4)3 accompanying with the decolourization rate of 88.3%.The treatment cost is within $0.50/m3due to lowquantity of flocculant and cheap cost of T5.
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