收稿日期: 2004-12-20
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Newest researches and advance in the application of membrane bioreactor to denitrification and dephosphorylation
Received date: 2004-12-20
Online published: 2010-10-01
欧阳雄文, 谌建宇, 余健 . MBR在脱氮除磷方面的最新研究与进展[J]. 工业水处理, 2005 , 25(6) : 9 -12 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(6).9
The achievements of recent researches on the membrane bioreact or(MBR) applied to denitrification and dephosphorylation are introduced. Th e progress of environmental microbiology for developing and applying MBR to deni trification and dephosphorylation are dissertated. It is pointed out that only t he combination of MBR and microbiological technology can make it possible to mak e a greater breakthrough in this field.
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