收稿日期: 2003-11-19
网络出版日期: 2010-10-01
Research development in the treatment of mercury-containing wastewater
Received date: 2003-11-19
Online published: 2010-10-01
唐宁, 柴立元, 闵小波 . 含汞废水处理技术的研究进展[J]. 工业水处理, 2004 , 24(8) : 5 -8,13 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(8).5
The traditional physical and chemical methods for treating wastewater containing mercury ions are intraduced,and the development in bio-tethnology is elaborated systematically. Bio-augmentation process is a new and effective bio-technology,especially with liquid live microorganisms (LLMO),in which a stable and effective system is made to increase both the resistance to toxicity and the treatment efficiency. Therefore,LLMO is a potential way to deal with mercury-containing wastewater.
Key words: mercury-containing wastewater; biosorption; bio-augmentation
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