Newest research progress in the application of zero-valent iron to the treatment of wastewater
Received date: 2009-12-28
Online published: 2019-06-03
Zero-valent iron(ZVI) has been paid more and more attention to its application to the wastewater treatment due to its low toxicity, low cost, easy operation and no second pollution producing. The mechanism of wastewater treatment with ZVI is introduced. And the newest research progress in treating various kinds of wastewaters with ZVI is reviewed. These wastewaters include heavy metal wastewater, azo dye wastewater, chloro-organic compound wastewater, nitro-aromatic compounds and nitrate wastewaters, etc. Very good results have been obtained by using ZVI for treating these wastewaters. At the end, further research directions of ZVI are forecast. These research directions include the research on nano scale ZVI, the mechanism of pollutant removal with ZVI and the combined usage of ZVI with other techniques.
Key words: zero-valent iron; wastewater treatment; micro-electrolysis
Fu Fenglian . Newest research progress in the application of zero-valent iron to the treatment of wastewater[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 0 : 1 -3,4 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2010.30(6).1
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