Editorial Policy

Industrial Water Treatment adheres to internationally recognized publishing ethics standards, and formulates the journal's ethical guidelines in alignment with the criteria announced by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) , taking into consideration the actual situation of the journal. All authors, editors, and reviewers should strictly adhere to the following:


1.  Responsibilities of Authors

All authors of submitted manuscripts must meet the journal's authorship criteria, namely having significantly participated in the research or related work of the article, contributing substantially in the following aspects: conception and design of the research, acquisition of research data, analysis and interpretation of data, writing the article, or making critical revisions to important content. Those providing laboratory space or funds cannot be listed as authors. The main responsibilities of authors include:

(1) Authors should ensure the submitted manuscript is original work, free from any forms of plagiarism, data fabrication, simultaneous submission to multiple publications, redundant publication, and any other unethical scholarly behaviors, and does not contain any confidential information.

(2) If the work of others is utilized in the article, it should be appropriately indicated. Clear acknowledgements should be provided, and permission from the original authors should be obtained in accordance with copyright law to avoid infringing on others' intellectual property.

(3) The corresponding author should ensure that all major contributors are listed as co-authors without omission and that the manuscript is submitted only after obtaining the consent of all authors. Those who have contributed to the research but are not authors should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section of the article.

(4) The author list should not be altered. Any changes to the authorship (additions, deletions, or reordering) must be made before the manuscript is accepted. If any changes to the authorship are required, the corresponding author must explain the reason for the changes and send a confirmation of agreement to the changes from all authors to the Editorial Office. When adding or removing authors, the confirmation should also include approval from the author being added or removed.

(5) Authors should declare their individual contributions to the research and any potential conflicts of interest by completing and submitting the document of “Declaration of Conflicts of Interest & Author Contributions” to the journal. Potential conflicts of interest may exist when an author (or their institution/employer) has financial, personal, or subordinate relationships that could influence the author's decisions, work, or manuscript. When the manuscript mentions certain products, authors should also disclose whether there is a conflict of interest with competing products.


2.  Responsibilities of Editors

The responsibilities of editors, applicable also to the Editorial Board Members, primarily encompass the following:

(1) Editors should make decisions based on the scientific merit of the manuscript, without consideration of the authors' institutional affiliations, nationality, race, gender, age, or any other personal attributes.

(2) Editors should make every effort to ensure submitted manuscripts undergo a fair and timely peer review process.

(3) Ensure that submitted manuscripts are treated confidentially. Without the author's permission, no details should be disclosed to anyone other than the reviewers.

(4) Editors should promptly inform the Editorial Office of any potential conflicts of interest:

1) If the editor is the author of the manuscript, it must be submitted for independent review by another editor.

2) If the author has a relationship with the editor (e.g., colleagues, mentor-student, collaboration, competition, etc.), the manuscript must be handed over to another editor for processing.

3) If the research topic is too closely related to the editor's own projects, the manuscript must be transferred to another editor.

(5) Editors should carefully choose reviewers, ensuring a fair review process:

1) Caution should be exercised when employing the reviewers recommended by an author, to avoid overtly positive assessments (for instance, avoiding reviewers who have been past mentors, students, or co-authors of the author).

2) Verification of the identity of reviewers recommended by authors should be conducted to ensure fairness in the peer-review process.

3) If authors have identified some reviewers to avoid, editors should, as far as possible, avoid the relevant reviewers.

(6) Meticulous investigations and handling should be provided to authors' appeals against the manuscript review results.

(7) Editors should rigorously check each manuscript to avoid academic misconduct. For manuscripts accused of involving in academic misconduct, editors should promptly undertake an investigation.


3.  Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers are entrusted with assisting the Editorial Office in manuscript assessment, and they should be experts in the relevant field. The primary responsibilities of reviewers include:

(1) Reviewers must ensure confidentiality concerning manuscript content and the review process:

1) Data, information, and viewpoints within the manuscript must not be shared arbitrarily with others.

2) The identity of the reviewer and details of the review process must not be disclosed to others.

3) Reviewers must not retain the manuscript in any form after the review is complete and must comply with data protection regulations.

(2) Reviewers should not utilize data, results, or confidential information from the manuscript being reviewed for their own research.

(3) If reviewers have any conflicts of interest with the authors (such as being colleagues, mentor-students, collaborators, competitors, etc.), they should proactively decline to review the manuscript.

(4) Reviewers should review the manuscript promptly. If they are unable to continue the review or require additional time, they should notify the Editorial Office immediately.

(5) Reviewers should evaluate the manuscript in detail and objectively, providing unbiased and impartial review comments.

(6) Reviewers should comment on the manuscript professionally and courteously, avoiding personal criticisms of the authors.

(7) If reviewers identify similarities between the manuscript and other published or pending publications, they should inform the Editorial Office timely.

(8) If reviewers identify potential ethical issues in the manuscript, they should promptly alert the Editorial Office, including but not limited to plagiarism, data fabrication, and any other forms of academic misconduct.


4.  Advertisement Publication Statement

(1) Advertisement Placement:

Advertisements are primarily placed on the cover, inner pages, and back cover of the print journal, ensuring a distinct separation from the scholarly content published within the journal. All advertisement placements are discussed and collectively decided upon during editorial meetings at the journal's Editorial Office.

(2) Solemn Declaration:

The presentation of advertisement is entirely separated from the academic content published in the journal. Advertisements will not influence the editorial or acceptance decisions regarding any submitted manuscripts to the journal.

(3) Advertisement Requirements:

Advertisers must ensure the veracity of the content of their advertisements. The journal will verify relevant documentation, checking the advertisement content in accordance with the Advertising Law and other related legal regulations. Advertisements that are inconsistent with actual content or lack necessary documentation will not be published.

Pubdate: 2023-06-02    Viewed: 3571