Experimental study on the oxidation degradation of phenol wastewater by three-dimensional electrode
Revised date: 2009-11-19
Online published: 2010-10-01
A self-made reactor has been used for the oxidation degradation of phenol wastewater. Through experimentation,the effects of its reaction time,pH,electrolyte voltage and dosage of Fe2+ on the phenol removal efficiency from phenol wastewater by three-dimensional electrode oxidation degradation are analyzed. The optimum reaction conditions are determined. The results show that it has a better removal effect. The highest removal rate of simulated phenol wastewater (mass concentration is 300 mg/L) reaches 91.2%, when the optimum conditions are as follows: reaction time is 90 min,pH is 3,electrolyte voltage is 15 V,concentration of Fe2+ is 1 mmol/L.
Xia Yi, Li Yafeng, Cheng Lin . Experimental study on the oxidation degradation of phenol wastewater by three-dimensional electrode[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2010 , 30(5) : 27 -48 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2010.30.(05).27
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