Discussions on engineering the design for pharmaceutical wastewater treatment of formaldehyde with high concentration

  • 1. Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Designing Institute, Zibo Xinhua Pharmaceutical Designing Institute Co., Ltd., Zibo 255005, China;

    2. Baotou Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd., Baotou 014010, China

Received date: 2004-05-29

  Online published: 2010-10-01


Based on lab tests, through technical and economic argumentation, the technical process which deals with pharmaceutical wastewater treatment of formaldehyde with high concentration by combining blowing and doffing with A/O. In the design, the reuse of formaldehyde has been taken into consideration, so the resource could be utilizedcontinuously. Economic benefit has been gained.

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Zhang Lei, Guo Shengyou, Yuan Zhiquan . Discussions on engineering the design for pharmaceutical wastewater treatment of formaldehyde with high concentration[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(1) : 66 -68 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(1).66


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