Preparation of indus trial water treatment agent M-03 with lignin extracted from black papermaking liquor

  • Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Forest University, Nanjing 210037, China

Received date: 2005-04-20

  Revised date: 2005-04-20

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The industrial water treatment agent,M-03,has been prepared with the lignin extracted fromblack papermaking liquor by flocculation-acid eduction combined technology and then sulfonate is modified and mixed with organic phosphate,zinc salt,benzotriazole.The effects of mass ratio of the main rawmaterials,mass concentration of agent,reaction temperature and time on scale inhibition capicity of agent are discussed.The optimal conditions are as follows:the mass ratio of modified lignin,organic phosphate,zinc chloride,benzotriazole,water,alcohol is 10∶30∶15∶2∶40∶3,reaction time 2 h,reaction temperature (70±2) ℃.The experiment results showthat the industrial water treatment agent,M-03,is feasible to be a good corrosion and scale inhibitor.It opens a new way for the comprehensive utilization of black papermaking liquor.

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Wang Ping, He Ling, Wu Xiang, Wang Wenbin . Preparation of indus trial water treatment agent M-03 with lignin extracted from black papermaking liquor[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(9) : 37 -40 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(09).37


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