Experimental study on saponin was tewater treatment by anaerobic digestion
Received date: 2005-06-10
Revised date: 2005-06-10
Online published: 2010-10-01
An intermittent trial with three types of anaerobic digestion processes in the similar conditions has been investigated in viewof the characters of saponin wastewater and the effects of those processes have been determined.The experimental results demonstrates that the effluent remainder COD of two-phases anaerobic digestion with three stages is obviously lower than that of monopole anaerobic digestion and that of two-phases anaerobic digestion during the same period of time.Moreover,kinetic parameters of the three types anaerobic digestion processes is determined by analysing those aerogenical kinetic model.The mechanism and reasons for that two-phases anaerobic digestion with three stages is superior to the other two types of anaerobic digestion processes is analyzed.
Bi Yafan, Wang Jianhua, Yan Xiangdong, Mei Ming, Kang Mingxiong . Experimental study on saponin was tewater treatment by anaerobic digestion[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(9) : 45 -48 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(09).45
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