Pretreatment of the TNT wastewater by electrochemical method and the study of its mechanism

  • College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China

Online published: 2010-10-01


The TNT (2,4,6 - trinitrotoluene) alkaline wastewater (red water) is st udied. PbO2/Ti electrode, as one of dimensionally stable anodes(DSA), and three kinds of cathodes have been employed in treating this kind of water. The results show that the cathode, electric current density, concentration of electrolyte, voltage, distance between the electrodes and pH have some extent of influence on the CODCr<\sub> removal efficiency. In addition, the existence of the intermediate li ke aniline is proved up.

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Che Ling, Meng Kaizhong, Zhou Shixing, Mei Ziliang, Wang Bin . Pretreatment of the TNT wastewater by electrochemical method and the study of its mechanism[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(4) : 26 -28 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(4).26


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