Recovery of ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus frOm return flow by precipitation—flotation

  • 1. Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing100083, China;
    2. Beijing Gaobeidian Sewage Treatment Plant, Beijing 100022, China

Received date: 2004-10-02

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The return flow in the wastewater treatment plant contains highly concentrated ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus.When returning to the water treatment system,it has effect on the removal of ammonia nitrogen and is necessary to treat ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus separately. e return flow from a wastewater treatment plant iS tested and the conditions of recovering the ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus init by precipitation—flotation has been studied.Th e results show that the ammonia and phosphonis in the return flow can be precipitated with MgCl2 and Na2HPO4 as precipitants. e best pH value is 10. e recovery rate of ammonia nitrogen in precipitation process reaches 89.09%.and the recovery rate of phosphorus reaches 98.79%. When AN』2 iS used as air-floating agent.the air.floating recovery rate reaches 94.91%.

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Sun Tichang, Cui Zhiguang, Huang Guozhong, Li Wei, Chang Jiang, Jiang Guannan . Recovery of ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus frOm return flow by precipitation—flotation[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(3) : 45 -48 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(3).45


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