Determination of CN-in wastewater by high sensitive indirect spectrophotometry
Received date: 2004-02-13
Online published: 2010-10-01
The optimum reaction conditions for decoloring effect of the blue complex formed between iodine and starch by CN- when the pH of KH2PO4-NaOH buffer solution is 7 have been studied. The maximum absorption wavelength of decoloring solution lines at 570 nm with a molor absorptivity of 3.62×104 L/(mol·cm). Beer's law holds within the range of 0-0.8 mg/L ofCN-,the detection limit is 0.02 mg/L and the recovery rate is in the range of 98.0%-103.5%. The method has been applied to the determination of micro CN- in wastewater with satisfactory results.
Key words: indirect spectrophotometry; iodine; starch; wastewater
Luo Daocheng, Song Hefu . Determination of CN-in wastewater by high sensitive indirect spectrophotometry[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(12) : 50 -52 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(12).50
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