Study on the treatment of polyacrylonitrile wastewater with nanofiltration
Received date: 2004-02-10
Online published: 2010-10-01
Using FT - 50 nanofiltration membrane, the wastewater in the two stage production processes of polyacrylonitrile is treated for reuse. The effects of operation pressures, operation flow rates and operation time on the nanofiltrarion process are analyzed. The removal efficiencies of CODCr, turbidity, conductivity and SS are also studied. The experimental results show that the SS is not detected, and the CODCr, turbidity and conductivity in the permeate are 83 mg/L, 2 NTU and 50 μS/cm respectively by the treatment of two-stage nanofiltration. The permeate could be used as the washing water of the polyacrylonitrile production and the wastewater might be zero discharge. Based on the experimental results, the recovery efficiency of pure water flux is about 95% after washing FT - 50 nanofiltration membrane with deionized water.
Zhang Yongfeng, Wang Yu, Xu Zhenliang, Lin Fengkai, Xu Zheng, Jiang Mei . Study on the treatment of polyacrylonitrile wastewater with nanofiltration[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(10) : 13 -16 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(10).13
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