Study on the treatment of ammonia nitrogen secondary effluent with the biological aerated filter
Received date: 2005-08-26
Online published: 2010-10-01
Secondary effluent of West Zone Wastewater Treatment Plant of Yanshan Petrochemical Co.has been treated with the biological aerated filter process.Its effects on NH3-N removal of NH3-N and COD concentration,COD/NH3-N ratio and alkalinity of influent and the ratio of gas and water of the system are studied.The results showthat biological aerated filter could remove NH3-N perfectly when NH3-N concentration of influent is below 30mg/L.The average NH3-N removal efficiency eaches 90.4%,and NH3-N concentration of effluent is below 1mg/L.NH3-N removal efficiency decreases with the increase of COD/NH3-N ratio of influent and is higher when COD/NH3-N ratio is below2.0.Higher NH3-N removal efficiency has been got by using the process with alkalinity approximately being 290mg/L and the ratio of air and water being 3∶1.
Key words: biologicalaeratedfilter; secondaryeffluent; ammonia nitrogen
Wang Dong, Li Hesheng, Liu Dehua . Study on the treatment of ammonia nitrogen secondary effluent with the biological aerated filter[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(12) : 47 -49 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(12).47
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