Water saving and comprehensive utilization in Shenhua Group of Shangwan Thermal Power Plant

  • 1. Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Suzhou Branch, Suzhou 225011, China;
    2. Beijing Guohua Electric Power Corporation, Beijing 100025, China;
    3. Suzhou Thermal Power Reserach Institute, Suzhou 225011, China;
    4. Guohua Energy Development(Tianjin)Ltd., Co, Tianjin 300457, China

Received date: 2005-07-25

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The present situation of water affair management of Shangwan Thermal Power Plant of Shenhua Group is analysed.The water saving plan of those which have been conducted and being conducted are summarized.Shangwan Thermal Power Plant takes various water saving measures accordig to different systems,which allows water of different qualities to be fully utilized.This notably improves the recycles of water.A highly fruitful effect on water saving in this plant has been achieved.

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Yang Xiaoning, Cui Zhimin, He Rong, Du Peng . Water saving and comprehensive utilization in Shenhua Group of Shangwan Thermal Power Plant[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2005 , 25(12) : 62 -63,72 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2005.25(12).62

