Researches on the chemical removal of SiO2 from highly viscous crude oil wastewater being reused in boilers

  • Oilfield Chemistry Department of RIPED of Petro China, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2003-08-24

  Online published: 2010-10-01


In order to study the viscous crude oil wastewater, the advantages and disadvantages of various SiO2 removal methods have been compared. It is confirmed that a magnesium compound is added to remove SiO2 chemically. An optimum prescription has been determined through conditional experiments. The results show that the treated water has come up to the standard of boiler feed-water.

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Zhao Zhenxing, Han Guihua, Li Ruili, Niu Heti, Wang Linhong . Researches on the chemical removal of SiO2 from highly viscous crude oil wastewater being reused in boilers[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(8) : 28 -31 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(8).28


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