Study on the treatment of dyeing wastewater by using three dimensional electrode electrochemical method
Received date: 2003-12-19
Online published: 2010-10-01
The removal of COD and chromaticity of dyeing wastewater by using three dimensional electrode (TDE) have been studied. The result is satisfactory with 89.03% of removal rate of COD and 99.43% of decolouring rate after being electrolyzed for 10 minutes. The dyeing wastewater can meet the requirement of the First Grade Discharge Standard of China(GB 8978-1996). The study provides a new method for the treatment of dyeing wastewater.
Chen Wu, Yang Changzhu, Mei Ping, Dong Lingling, Yuan Gu . Study on the treatment of dyeing wastewater by using three dimensional electrode electrochemical method[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(8) : 43 -45 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(8).43
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