Study on the decolouration property of polymeric complex flocculants for active dyeing wastewater

  • Department of Chemistry, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China

Received date: 2005-09-02

  Revised date: 2005-09-02

  Online published: 2010-10-01


The decoloration property of several complex flocculants for active dyeing wastewater is discussed. When the concentration of PAM cationis 50%, 1mg/LPAM will promote the decolouration to be over 90%. The supe rabundant cations will cause the colloid stable again. The excellent decolouration rate can be obtained while 1 mg/L PAM (Mw=1.2×10 7 ) and 150 mg/L PAC is complex. The overlong molecular chain can produce the repulsion between particles because of the sterically hindered effect. The decolouration of 1 mg/L CTS + 100 mg/L PAC is over 90%. The redundant CTS molecular can not elaborate effect for the adsorptive space is already saturated. It is observed by SEMthat the flocculus produced with PAC is continuous, and the one produced by several polymeric flocculants is different. The much larger specific surface area can enhance the bridging and sweeping effect to the particles.

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Huo Yuning, Xue Li, Yuan Hong, Wang Jinghua, Gu Xiaowei . Study on the decolouration property of polymeric complex flocculants for active dyeing wastewater[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2006 , 26(1) : 33 -35,39 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2006年.26(01).33


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