Membrane fouling analysis of the polyvinylidene difluoride membrane bioreactor treating the sewage
Received date: 2005-04-07
Online published: 2010-10-01
Membrane fouling is the key factor of restricting the application of membrane bioreactor (MBR). Running pressure was paid attention on. When the membrane flux is 10 L/(h·m2), the running pressure is lower than 3.73×104 Pa, compared with the different reducing membrane fouling measures: water washing could resume 70% pressure, the running pressure ascended slower when the membrane is inclination at 50 degree, and the best position is 20 cm on the base of the container. In the end, analysis and calculation of the composition of total membrane resistance are given.
Wu Haihui, Gao Naiyun, Wan Jinbao . Membrane fouling analysis of the polyvinylidene difluoride membrane bioreactor treating the sewage[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2006 , 26(1) : 55 -58 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2006年.26(01).55
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