Coal gasification wastewater treatment by aerobic-anoxic-aerobic biological process
Received date: 2005-10-05
Revised date: 2005-10-05
Online published: 2010-10-01
Aerobic(O)-anoxic(A)-aerobic(O)biological process is put forward for gasification wastewater treatment. The experiment data shows that the new system is operated stably during a period of five months when the COD concentrations of the influent water are higher than 2 200 mg/L. The diatomite-activated sludge unit of the system is important for this stability. The total COD and NH4+-N removals are more than 87% and 80% respectively and are superiority to the process operated in the Harbin Coal Gasification Plant. When the HRT decreases and the concentrations of influent increases, the COD removal rate remaines at 86%, but the NH4+-N removal rate is decreased to 67%.
Key words: coal gasification wastewater; aerobic; anoxic; diatomite-activated sludge
Zhang Wenqi, Ma Jun, Qiu Liping . Coal gasification wastewater treatment by aerobic-anoxic-aerobic biological process[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2006 , 26(2) : 32 -35 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2006年.26(02).32
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