Inhibitory kinetic spectrophotometric determination of trace aniline
Received date: 2003-10-19
Revised date: 2003-10-19
Online published: 2010-10-01
In the presence of potassium biphthalate-sodium hydroxide buffer solution at pH4.5,trace aniline in-hibitsstrongly the fading reaction of malachite green by oxidizing with potassium M28permanganate.Based on thisstudy,a novel inhibitory kinetic-spectrophotometric method hasbeen developed for the determination of trace aniline.The experimental resultsshow that the detection limit for aniline is0.38μg/L,the linear range of the determination is0.0~9.2μg/L,The method hasbeen applied to the determination of trace aniline in wastewater with satisfactory results.
Key words: inhibitory; kinetic-spectrophotometric method; malachite green; aniline
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