Application of coagulation process to the post-treatment ofchondroitin sulfate wastewater

  • 1. Civil && Environmental Engineering College, Beijing University of Science && Technology, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. Hebei Province Urban && Rural Construction School, Shijiazhuang 050021, China

Received date: 2003-05-15

  Online published: 2010-10-01


Chondroitin Sulfate (CS) is a kind of important biochemical product. The production of CS leads to producing lots of highly concentrated organic wastewater and the COD of the water is over 100 g/L. This paper studies the post-treatment of the CS wastewater from a Shandong biochemical product plant and proves that the coagulation post-treatment can reduce the CODCr of the water out of biochemical treatment from 316 mg/L to 76 mg/L, the BOD5 from 100 mg/L to 15 mg/L. The water meets the First Grade Discharge Standard GB8978-1996.(3).

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Lin Hai, Jiang Yan, Zuo Yongsheng, Li Shuqiao . Application of coagulation process to the post-treatment ofchondroitin sulfate wastewater[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(2) : 40 -42 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(2).40



