Elementary study on the biological treatment of effluent from insitu heavy oil in Liaohe Oilfield

  • Institute of Hygiene Environmental Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Tianjin 300050, China

Received date: 2003-04-11

  Online published: 2019-06-03


Since the effluent from oilfield is characteric of having a lot of non-degradable substances, bad biodegradability and great variety of the water quality, the biological treatment, which has a wide applicable range and is economically reasonable, has fully been used. An elementary study on the effluent from Liaohe Oilfield has been carried on by a combined technology of the anaerobic and aerobic processes. The results show that in the later period of steady running, the mass concentration of outgoing water COD is 147 ~ 160 mg/L, its removal rate is over 60%; the mass concentration of petroleum is 1.00 mg/L to 1.16 mg/L, its removal rate is over 89%; the mass concentration of volatile phenol is 0.023 mg/L to 0.068 mg/L, its removal rate is over 80%; and the mass concentration of NH3 is 1.00 mg/L to 1.28 mg/L, its removal rate is over 75%.

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Zhang Wei, Wang Jing-feng, Li Guan-xian, Liu Yong-lian, Xi Zhu-ge . Elementary study on the biological treatment of effluent from insitu heavy oil in Liaohe Oilfield[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 0 : 37 -39 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(3).37


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