Evaluation of the treatment technology of organic industrial wastewater with high concentration and low biodegradability

  • 1. The Realty Exploiting Company of Yanbu Section, Nanhai 528247, China;
    2. Guangzhou Digital Cities Institute, Co. , Ltd. , Guangzhou 510665, China;
    3. Department of Environmental Engineering, South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510640, China;
    4. Electric Power Industrial Bureau of Nanhai City, Nanhai 528200, China

Received date: 2003-02-16

  Online published: 2010-10-01


There are two types of processes to treat the organic industrial wastew ater with high concentration and low biodegradability.One is using chemical oxi dation and catalytic oxidation as the main treatment process,and the other is u sing pretreatment methods to increase the biodegradability.Then biodegradation is used as the main treatment process.It is pointed that researches on the trea tment processes of "physicochemical (coagulation)-facultative aerobic/anoxic/a naerobic-aerobic technologies" are the practical developing directions of orga nic industrial wastewater treatment in the future 1-5 years. Based on this,It is pointed out further that researches on the specific coagualting equipment fo r this kind of industrial wastewater are rather few,therefore developing enhanc ed, practical and economic coagulating equipment will be one of the important di rections in this field.

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Huang Ming, Zhu Yun, Xiao Jin, Deng Zhongliang . Evaluation of the treatment technology of organic industrial wastewater with high concentration and low biodegradability[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(4) : 1 -4,5 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(4).1


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