Study of the synthesis and scale inhibition of polyaspartic acid

  • 1. Department of Chemistry, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;
    2. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Received date: 2003-05-28

  Online published: 2010-10-01


Polyaspartic acid is synthesized by three methods,the thermal pol ycondensation of L-aspartic acid,acid-catalyzed polycondensation of L-aspar tic acid and polycondensation of maleic acid with ammonia.The molecular weight of PASP synthesized by these methods is 2 500, 5 000 and 1 800 respectively.The scale inhibition properties of the above PASP products are studied.The results show that all the three kinds of PASP have a good scale inhibition effect on CaCO3, CaSO4 and BaSO4.It also indicates that the product with lower molecular we ight of 1 800 has a comparably inferior scale inhibition on CaCO3 and BaSO4 than CaSO4

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Zhu Zhiliang, Liang Xiaoming, Gao Junying, Zhang Ronghua Li Fengting . Study of the synthesis and scale inhibition of polyaspartic acid[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2004 , 24(4) : 30 -32 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2004.24(4).30


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