Received date: 2000-09-10
Online published: 2010-10-01
The pollution of our environment is one of the biggest hazards that human being s face today.More wastewater result ing f rom the development of indust ry is discharged especially.If the w astew ater is discharged direct ly or treated improperly, it can interfere w ith the self-cleaning mechanism of water bodies, thus the water quality becomes permenently deg raded.People are becoming increasing ly aw are of the problems posed by pollution, realizing the w astew ater must be t reated befo re discharging.The methods summarized in this paper can be applied to industrial w astew ater t reatment, including chemical processes, phy siochemical processes and biological processes.Because of the complex ity of wastewater, the treatment processes consists of a series of unit operat ion in order to meet the acceptable quality standards.It is not right to consider w hich ty pes are the best or the most advanced.Although the chemical processes have their shortcomings, other processes cannot substitute them in some aspects.One of the environmentalists' pursuits is to develop the new, highly effective and economic technology applied to industrial w astew ater.
ZHANG Yong, WAN Jinquan . New development of the industrial wastewater pollution control[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2001 , 21(1) : 9 -12 . DOI: 10.11894/1005-829x.2001.21(1).9
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